Angular, ionic

Jasmine and Karma are used in Unit Testing Angular. Though it has no problems in a Service Class Testing, Component T ...


I tried to get elements that were rendered with “ngFor” loop, with putting reference variables to them fo ...

Angular, ionic

Ionic UI Components are amazing and are so many varieties one. In many cases, you can use components along with the o ...

alibabaCloud, nodejs, TypeScript

This is about Function Compute Alibaba Cloud. Function Compute that is an event-driven, serverless computing platform ...

GCP, python

Cloud Run is the GCP service that can operate with Container and Serverless. You can deploy Docker Image to a fully m ...

aws, docker

This is about the docker environment to use aws cli. Though there is much information about this way.

By using ...


It’s very easy to install Let’s Encrypt on Shared Hosting for everyone.
However, sometimes it must not modi ...

Angular, TypeScript

jQuery-Select2 is a awesome library that is custom select box with support for searching.

With Angular ...

MySQL, php

We have many ways to import CSV data to MySQL, and can find any infomation about it. The previous article is about ex ...


One of way creating csv with php is fputcsv function. But it takes a long time when export csv from huge data over 20 ...